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Group Exhibition at International Convention Center: Love Your Fellow Human

ICC Haifa (International Convention Center), Haifa
24 November, 2003 – 13 December, 2003

De Beer, Uri  |  Azam, Rami  |  Meller, Daniella  |  Segal, Ruth  |  Ferrer, Marlen  |  Rotem, Eva  |  Teperberg, Hedva  |  Carmeli, Varda  |  Lilach, Yoram  |  Mansour, Nag’ah  |  Becher, Laora  |  Beeni, Elia Nufal  |  Rubin, Harold  |  Sherman, Ahuva  |  Hassan, Jamal  |  Tandet Ron, Sara  |  Cohen Gewere, Edith  |  Abadi, Abed  |  Rosen, Maureen  |  Hamdan, Faris  |  Kaplan, Tamar  |  Ullman, Gad  |  Azerad, Yossefa  |  Benshoshan, Motti  |  Gur Lavie, Nurit  |  Wydra Yanor, Lela  |  Morag, Dvora  |  Pallada, Hans  |  Shemer, Aviva  |  Livne, Lea  |  Balaban, Yael  |  Hasese, Waf  |  

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