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Abed Abdi Retrospective: 50 Years of Creativity

Curator: Dr.Tal Ben Zvi
Um El Fahem Gallery (Israel)
Opening: 22 May 2010
Opening remarks: Poet Samīħ al-Qāsim, Mr. Yona Lahav (Lord Mayor of Haifa) and Sheikh Khaled Hamdan (Lord Mayor of Um El Fahem)


The exhibition comprises illustrations, stone prints, and lithographs published over fifty years, from the 1960s to the present day. There is also a large number of oil and mixed technique paintings from the 1980s and 90s that completes the entire body of the artist’s work.

In 1978, Abdi, together with Gershon Knispel, created the Land Day commemorative monument in Sakhnin, and later created monuments in Shfaram, Kafr Kana and Kafr Manda. The exhibition presents the monument’s preliminary sketches and model, and also posters designed by Abdi over the years to mark Land Day and the Kafr Qassem massacre, and Israel Communist Party election posters.






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