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Dr Tal Ben Zvi

Abed Abdi: Reviewed by Tal Ben Zvi

Palestinian art created within Israel’s 1948 borders possesses unique characteristics deriving from its being part of the visual culture of the Palestinian minority in Israel. In this artistic-national construct, the artist, graphic designer and printmaker Abed Abdi played a leading role as a consequence of his work over the decade between 1972 and 1982 as...
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Abed Abdi – “Wa Ma Nasina”

“Wa ma nasaina” (“We have not forgotten”) exhibition is a personal journey in time, memory andhistory of Palestinians, which constituting an integral part of the life of artist Abed Abdi, who was bornin Haifa.   The exhibition contains paintings and lithographies which were published as photographic copies for 20 years, starting at the end of...
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Abed Abdi | Men In The Sun

Abed Abdi’s art is chiefly rooted in the autonomous sphere constituted by the language of Arabic literature and the Arabic press. In 1964 he left for art studies in Dresden, where he created many drawings which were published in the Arabic press, portraying refugees in a geographically unidentified space. In Untitled (1968), a caravan of...
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The Story of a Monument: Land Day Sakhneen 1976-2006

Abed Abdi and Gershon Knispel Photographs: Nikola Abdo, Rafik Bachri, Amin Bashir, Yaron Kaminski, Gidon Gitai, Salam Munir Diab, Al-Ittihad Archive and others. Curator: Tal Ben-Zvi The exhibition “Story of a Monument: Land Day Sakhneen 1976-2006” is centered on the Sakhneen monument commemorating Land Day, as a space of struggle, remembrance and identity of the...
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