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Reviews Library

The library contains reviews and articles written about Abed Abdi and his art,  created and published by third parties elsewhere. The purpose of this library is to hold a copy of every text written about the artist and his artworks.

There are more review articles published in Arabic and in Hebrew, not included in this page. See links at bottom of page to view those reviews.

Featured Reviews


On Abed Abdi’s Solo Exhibition “Between Two Worlds”


Abed Abdi’s Public Talk at Berlin’s House of World Cultures


Abed Abdi’s Public Talk at the Albertinum Museum, Dresden


The Foreign Brothers / Berlin Exhibition Review


Abed Abdi at the Albertinum in Dresden: “I call for the recognition of Palestine as a second state.”


Restoration of Abed Abdi’s Mural in Haifa


PalRead – Country of Words Podcast EP6: Abed Abdi


Memories of Nakba inspire Palestinian artist’s work


Restoration of Abed Abdi’s mural at Dresden Academy of Fine Arts


The wandering museum in the works of the artist Abed Abdi


Haifa Museum of Art new exhibits explore physical and social interfaces


Celebrating the 20th anniversary and the 80th birthday


The Painting that will Never Leave Haifa


Barjeel Art Foundation adds more than 30 artworks to its collection


Opinion | Israel’s Moment of Truth Is Approaching – Will It Choose to Be Jewish or Democratic?


After Israel’s Jewish-Arab Unrest, Haifa Museum Opens ‘Exhibition of Healing’


Review of the Land Day Monument


Book: British Museum / Reflections, Contemporary Art of the Middle East and North Africa


Selections / The Diary of An Artist in Interesting Times


Abed Abdi in Sotheby’s first online-only auction for 20th century Middle Eastern art defies COVID-19

Reviews Archive

Reviews In Other Languages

Reviews in Arabic

more than 280 articles

مقالات صحفية ودراسات بالعربية

Reviews in Spanish

artista palestino Abed Abdi (pdf)

Um estudo

sobre a cultura visual da sociedade palestina/israelense através de charges e ilustrações do artista palestino Abed Abdi

Reviews in Hebrew

more than 30 articles

מאמרים בעיתונות ומחקרים בעברית

  • Beyond his extensive work in diverse media, Abdi’s iconography marks a long contribution to the Palestinian struggle for recognition and the voicing of Palestinian particular identity, history and suffering as a central theme of his creative work.

    Dr. Ayelet Zohar
    Curator, Author and Professor
  • This important artist, whose great work was compared by the award’s panel of judges to that of Nahum Gutman, has devoted himself for close to fifty years to a wide range of artistic endeavor in varied fields: painting, murals, illustration, prints, sculpture, graphic design and monument design.

    Dr. Tal Ben Zvi
    Curator, Author and Professor
  • Abdi has made an important contribution to the visual culture of the Palestinian public in Israel. In this respect, it is not only touching but also represents an essential, less known, period in the history of Israeli Art.

    Dr Smadar Sheffi
    Chief Curator and writer, "Gallery" journal, “Haaretz” newspaper
  • Abed Abdi is a prolific artist, having produced a significant body of work that remains largely undocumented. During the first stage of his artistic career, he primarily worked in color and black and white. The painting “Intifada” (1986) exemplifies his formal skill while also revealing that sympathies across Israel’s artificial borders and checkpoints remain strong.

    Samia Halaby
    Visual Artist and Author, New York
  • Abed Abdi is a prominent Palestinian artist who has played a significant role in the advancement of art among Palestinians living in Israel. He is most notably known as the first Palestinian artist living in Israel to erect monumental works in public spaces to commemorate Palestinian modern history that are still standing in Palestinian towns and villages.

    Aline Khoury
    Sotheby’s, London
  • Abed Abdi is an artist and educator who has been consistently promoting Arab culture for over 40 years, and whose contribution to the visual culture of historical Palestine is unprecedented. It is these images that shaped Arab visual memory of historical events like the Nekba, the refugee camps, destroyed villages, and the events of Land Day, hence the works’ significant influence on the collective memory of the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

    Selections Arts
    Art Magazine
  • The works in the album speak in a clear language of non-acceptance of Palestinian fate […] The album is a single totality despite the differences between its subjects. For the subject is but one: identification with the fate of the refugees, non-acceptance of this fate, and an expression of hope and emotional turmoil

    A. Niv (the pseudonym of poet Moshe Barzilai)
    "Zu Haderekh" newspaper
  • The Work space of the artist Abed Abdi and his works are strongly tied to each other, and are connected to the city of Haifa where he was born and where he creates, and to the history of the Palestinian people.

    Eli Armon Azulay
    Author, “Haaretz” newspaper (Hebrew edition), “Gallery” Section