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palestinian art

“Manifestations of Letter” – Text in Contemporary Palestinian Art

Umm El-Fahem Art Gallery Opens Exhibition under the Title: “Manifestations of Letter” – Text in Contemporary Palestinian Art The Umm El-Fahem Art Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of “Manifestations of Letter: Text in Contemporary Palestinian Art,” on March 22. The exhibition, which will continue until May 24, 2014, will include works of art...
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Palestinian Artist Dedicates Exhibition To Sister Living In Syrian Refugee Camp

Palestinian artist pays tribute to his sister, who has lived in a Syrian refugee camp for more than 60 years, through his artwork. In his exhibition ‘Homage to Lutfiyah’, Palestinian artist Abed Abdi pays tribute to his sister who has lived in Syrian refugee camps for over 60 years. Abdi’s sister Lutfiyah has been a...
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Folds, Tents and Portraits

The current exhibition aims to view Abdi’s creative work from a more personal, private point of view, combined with an inquiry of his strong desire and sensitivity to material qualities which is impressively present through his work. Abed Abdi (b. 1942, Haifa) is a Palestinian-Israeli artist educated as a graphic designer in the former DDR,1...
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One Tragedy Among Hundreds Of Thousands

 Historical crises always have a human face. Although we may have become numbed by the daily reports of violence from both sides of Syria’s two-year-long civil war, it is certain that more than 70,000 civilians have perished and more than 700,000 have fled the country putting intense pressure on neighboring countries, stretching the resources of...
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Arab-Israeli In Haifa Uses Art To Help Palestinian Refugee Sister

The struggle to save Lutfia, an 84 year-old Palestinian refugee, is being conducted by her brother Abed Abdi, a respected Palestinian artist who resides in Haifa.  A childhood memory documented in a photo: A little boy is holding his mother’s hand; his four siblings stand alongside them. The place is a refugee camp near Damascus....
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Abed Abdi And The Liberation Art Of Palestine

Palestinian artists of the second half of the twentieth century, when interviewed, sometimes speak of being the first to do this or that, or that theirs was the first Palestinian one-artist exhibition, etc. The trauma of the Nakba caused an absence in knowledge. Closer study reveals that, despite this perceived chasm in the continuity of...
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“Homage to Lutfia, my sister in Yarmouk camp”

On the occasion of the Month of Arab Culture, a solo exhibition of Abed Abdi is being held at the Arab- Jewish Cultural Center (Beit Hagefen) in Haifa. The exhibition is entitled “Homage to Lutfia, my sister in Yarmouk refugee camp”. Curator: Dr. Ayelet Zohar Opening: Saturday May 18th 19:00. Closing Saturday August 31th Art...
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Tragic Expectation

Over a decade ago, when I encountered Abed Abdi for the first time, I could not help but expect a productive and fruitful future for the painter. He was twenty one years old at the time and I came into possession of one of his early drawings, which enabled me, later on to see the...
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